
26 Mar 2024

It is the age of enlightenment and if there is one thing our generation is increasingly becoming aware of it is the need for self-care. Centred on this are popular modern trends such as exercise, skin care, proper dieting, and mental health mindfulness. However, there is one thing that has so far subtly escaped the attention of many. In this article, we are going to explore that poorly mentioned aspect of health, the unsung hero known as Posture. 

Scientifically, posture is defined as the attitude of the body either with support during muscular activity or as a result of organized actions performed by skeletal muscles operating to maintain stability. In simple English, it can be easily defined as the way we position our bodies. It changes when we move i.e. during running, and walking, or can be static when we sit or stand still. 

In this era of COVID-prompted remote jobs, it is easy to get carried away working on our laptops, phones, or other gadgets, or even whilst seeing a movie or reading an entertaining blog, all whilst holding a posture that puts strain on our backs and necks. This is a classic example of wrong posturing, and definite signs of this are lower back or neck pain whilst working, watching television, or doing anything that requires holding one position for more than a few minutes. 

In actuality, posture covers more than just standing up straight or sitting straight-backed. It involves how we position ourselves even when moving, walking, sitting, standing, or sleeping and it is a vital part of overall muscular and skeletal health. We all know that when there is one chink in the gear the whole engine stops working. Thus, it is grossly important that we mind our posture the same way we mind our other physical attributes to ensure healthy physical harmony. 

So now, to the question of how to properly posture ourselves in the aforementioned scenarios.


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Essentially, when sitting the ears should be in a straight line with the shoulders and the hips, with the elbows lying close to the sides of the body. The angle of the elbows, hips, and knees should be at right angles with the feet flat on the floor and the forearms ought to be parallel to the ground, with the wrists and feet straight and resting comfortably on a surface as in the photo above. At first, this position might feel awkward, but over time this way of sitting proves to be much more comfortable than the slouching/slumping kind.  


When standing, the head should be erect (not slumping forward or backward) with the chin parallel to the floor (not tilting up or down). Again, the shoulders should be in line with the ears and not drooping forward or excessively pulled back, and the knees should be straight but not locked (strain in the knee joints indicates locking). It is natural for the lower back to have a slightly forward curve, so there is no need to try to modify that.

So how does one know that they are postured correctly? Well, there is an imaginary point where the mass of the body is thought to be concentrated, known as the body’s centre of gravity. Theoretically, an imaginary line ought to bisect the body into two halves at that point. This means when standing the weight of the body should be evenly distributed between both feet. 


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In summary, the importance of posture mindfulness during everyday activities such as bending to pick up heavy items, watching a screen for an extended duration, washing dishes, walking and so on cannot be overemphasized. In observing this, it is also important to:

-maintain a healthy weight as being overweight may weaken abdominal muscles and contribute to lower back pain

-engage in core strengthening exercises such as sit-ups  

-wear comfortable shoes as often as possible

-ensure to choose furniture (tables, chairs, and so on) that is at a comfortable height 

-disengage from sedentary living. Sitting should not be for longer than half an hour at once.


Nothing beats good health. Posture, as a component of long and lasting health, should not be underestimated. Therefore, it is necessary that all members of the “woke” generation strive for the same cognizance when it comes to their body posture. 


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