Exercises (Indoor and Outdoor)

Exercises (Indoor and Outdoor)
26 Mar 2024

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned and performed to attain or maintain physical fitness, while physical activity is a broad term that refers to any expenditure of energy brought about by the bodily movement of the skeletal muscle.

It is recommended that one gets at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week or a combination of both. Moderate aerobic exercises include brisk walking, aerobics, yoga, and swimming. Vigorous aerobic activities include running and cycling amongst others. Strength training should also be done at least twice a week by using body weights, dumbbells, barbells, weight machines, and resistance bands.

Exercise can be done:

  • Indoor
  • Outdoor



These can either be done at home or in a gymnasium. They include: 


  1. Aerobic exercises: Jumping jacks, skipping, burpees or any other exercise that can keep your heart rate elevated can be performed even without access to equipment at home. There are aerobic workout videos on this website that can help carry these exercises out while having fun.
  2. Dancing: This is another way to improve cardiovascular endurance and can also be a good source of stress relief. All that is needed is good music and a refreshing atmosphere. 
  3. Stair climbing: Walking up the stairs is a great form of indoor exercise especially if it is carried out over a long time. The intensity can be gradually increased by running instead of walking. This increases cardiovascular endurance and strengthens the legs and glutes. 
  4. Treadmilling exercises:  this involves the use of a treadmill with which routines vary, based on your goals and current level of fitness. It provides the option of low-impact and high-impact cardio exercises such as walking, running or sprinting. 
  5. Cycling with a stationary bike or a Bicycle Ergometer: It is a great choice for beginners and an excellent option to burn extra calories, build muscles as well as improve one’s overall cardiovascular and muscular endurance. 
  6. Yoga: Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits to people of all ages. It improves balance, strength and flexibility.
  7. Circuit training:  it is a form of fast-paced workout method which involves consecutive series of exercises targeting different muscle groups
  8. HIIT (High-intensity-interval-training): this involves short bursts of high-intensity exercises alternated with a recovery period of low-intensity exercise. However, this should be done with professional guidance.


  2. Walking:  it is a comfortable and familiar form of exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime, by any age group and without any form of equipment. Brisk walking is a way to increase the effectiveness of this exercise.

 2 Swimming:  it is a full-body exercise that helps build muscular strength, endurance and improves cardiovascular fitness. Ensure the presence of a lifeguard while swimming

  1. Jogging: This involves running at a slow regular pace over a long distance as part of an exercise routine. It helps to build endurance, stamina and helps with weight loss. To prevent injuries, the use of a well-padded shoe is advised.
  2. Engaging in recreational sports like running, football, basketball, cycling, and volleyball are also great forms of exercise. 

In conclusion, consulting a Doctor or Physiotherapist before engaging in any form of exercise program cannot be overemphasized. 

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